The perfect place to get the perfect puppy of your dreams
Congratulations on being a new puppy owner! This is a special time for both of you, filled with opportunities to get your puppy off to a great start in life. Puppies are very delicate creatures. Therefore, they need extra attention from their owners. And especially for teenie tiny babies, they may need more attention, care, and time than regular size puppies. These are some puppy care tips for potential buyers of our babies.
Puppies are very delicate creatures. Therefore, they need extra attention from their owners. And especially for teenie tiny babies, they may need more attention, care, and time than regular size puppies. These are some puppy care tips for potential buyers of our babies.
During the first few weeks, do not let your puppy out to play for longer than a one hour period at a time. Play with them for a short time, then place them back in their playpen so they can eat and rest. Remember that they are very tiny dogs and tire very easily. Please be careful not to over-tire your puppy especially in the first few weeks. It may play so much that it is too tired to eat. It is up to you as the owner to be responsible and see that your puppy gets enough rest. Puppies need a lot of sleep. Smaller puppies need as much as 20 out of 24 hours rest. Be especially aware of the amount of time children play with the puppy. These are babies and must be treated as such.
The first few weeks for the puppy can be a little traumatic. Remember that the puppy has been taken away from his/her parents and brother and sisters. Try to make the first couple weeks as calm as possible for the puppy. It's important for the family to bond with the puppy during the first couple weeks. Try to resist to take it out to the workplace and houses of friends and relatives until he/she has had all their vaccinations and is a little older.
The top three important things to remember is food, water and sleep!
1. Due to their small size, teacups must replenish their energy more frequently than larger size puppies. The only way to do this, is by supplying plenty of nourishment in the form of food. You must remember that puppies only eat very small amounts of food at a time but they exert large amounts of energy. Also, do not change the puppies food for the first 2 weeks until the puppy has adjusted to it's new home. Then, if you are going to make a change, do it gradually by slowly adding more of the new food to the old food each day until they are totally switched over to the new food.
Just like a baby has different needs than an adult, puppies have different needs than the dogs they'll grow into. Giving your puppy a good start in life is the best thing you can do to ensure he/she will be happy and healthy for years to come. All puppies need the basics - precise nutrition, time to play and lots of love - but puppies have individual needs, as well. A growing puppy needs precise levels of essential nutrients to stay his/her healthiest. To meet the growth and development requirements of puppies, here atPerfect Peks Kennel we feed our puppies the following:

Feeding: each puppy receives 2 table spoons of canned food in the morning and evening.
As a dog breeder, animal health is my top priority. That’s why NuVet Plus immune system builder is required as part of your pet’s Health Guarantee.
Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats are using NuVet to support their immune system and provide optimal health. A strong immune system will protect them from environmental and food toxins such as back yard pesticides, hormones, germs from public places, and even toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting.
This is not just a vitamin. It’s an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids and high-potency antioxidants. That’s why it works so well through all three stages of a dog’s life. Prior to picking up your puppy you must order his/her Nuvet vitamins directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 82883, or ordering online at www.nuvet.com/82883. You can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the “AutoShip” option at check out.
IMPORTANT NOTE: YOUR PUPPY MUST EAT JUST LIKE YOU! If your puppy is not eating take it to a vet immediately or call me for advice. Just think about it - if you didn't eat for many hours and/or days how would you feel - just think about a tiny puppy??? Your puppy can die from not eating they can go into shock and die. If you decide not to feed what I recommend make sure you change the food gradually - do not change the food suddenly you will make your puppy sick. Also, if you decide not to feed your puppy what I recommend and feed a cheaper store brand food you can expect more vet bills. I believe in feeding a good quality food will give you a good healthy puppy. Look for a food that has a meat as the first ingredient - avoid food that has corn. Feeding cheap food will result in a sickly puppy - I have found this out first hand. Invest in a good quality food - just think about yourself - do you feed yourself well - why shouldn't you do the same for your puppy - he/she depends on you for their well-being - do what's right.
Kennel (plastic/or metal)
Potty pads or newspaper
Food/water bowls
NuVet Supplement
Collar or harness
ID tag
Nail clippers
Chew bones
Please be aware that puppies this small can get hypoglycemia if you're not careful. The best way to prevent this is to feed every 8 hours and provide with little bit honey. If a puppy is healthy enough, 3 meals a day will be enough to maintain his sugar level. Also, if they have been out playing for a while, or have had a lot of people carrying them around or have been away from a food source for a prolonged period of time, give them a tiny bit before retiring them to their playpen.
This is one of those puppy care tips that requires special attention. Identify potential hazards by taking a pup's eye view of your home. Are there cords he/she might lick or chew? Avoid setting out rodent traps or using pesticides around your puppy, this could be fatal. I recommend all potential hazards should be removed or locked away. Keep your puppy in a confined area. You can do this by purchasing a crate, baby or puppy play pen. Dogs are den animals and feel safe in a small spaces. We recommend no bigger than 3'x4' since the puppy is so small. Make sure there's enough space for food , water and their puppy bed. Never leave your puppy unsupervised for the first 6 months. If you do, leave your puppy in a confined area.
When you purchase a pup from me you must take him/her to a vet within 24 hours of taking delivery. Have a vet picked out prior to taking delivery of your new puppy and take your puppy to a veterinarian for an initial exam. Your pal will get his/her essential exam. and recommendation for future wormings and vaccinations. Follow your veterinarian's recommendation for additional visits.
I recommend consistent grooming to keep your dog looking his/her best and also gets him/her used to being touched and restrained.
Comb or brush daily.
Bathe your dog on a regular basis.
Clip his/her nails as needed, avoiding the sensitive area at the base of the nail. Ask your veterinarian if you're unsure how to do this.
Make time for play. Playtime helps you bond with your dog and keeps him/her in tip-top physical condition. Let your puppy determine how long you'll play, and stop when he/she seems like he/she's tiring. Avoid "tug of war" games, which can cause aggression problems later. Make sure all toys are appropriate for his/her size, and teach your children the appropriate way to play with your puppy.
Cleaning your puppy during the first month you should avoid submersing the puppy in a full bath. Instead, you can use a warm towel and wipe to clean. This is especially important around the anal area. It is important to make sure nothing is preventing him/her to go to the bathroom. If necessary, you can clean the anal area under the sink in warm water and puppy shampoo. Make sure the puppy is completely dried afterwards.
Keep all toys and bed clean. Use the washing machine on a hot setting every few days.
Make sure that the puppy is having regular bowel movements. They should be nice and solid. As with most things in life, there are right and wrong ways to get things done. Rubbing a puppy's nose in a mess is not the right way to house train. Using ample amounts of supervision and positive reinforcement is. Use the following puppy house training tips to get started on the road to proper puppy potty training.
The first course of action in housetraining is to promote the desired behavior.
Designate a potty area outdoors.
Guide your dog there to do his/her business.
Heartily praise him/her when he/she goes.
By occasionally giving him/her a treat right after your dog finishes, you can encourage him/her to potty in the desired area. The odor left from previous visits to that area will quickly mark it as the place for the pup to do his/her business.
Timing Is Important!
A six- to eight-week-old puppy should be taken outdoors every one to three hours. Older puppies can generally wait longer between outings. Most puppies should be taken out:
After waking in the morning
After naps
After meals
After playing or training
After being left alone
Immediately before being put to bed
Most importantly, I recommend never under any circumstance leave your new puppy unattended. If you work, or when you go to bed at night, always place your puppy in a kennel for his/her safety.
Click on this link to watch this helpful video about potty training your puppy: http://www.youtube.com/embed/UhYZoqXbmHo?rel=0&autoplay=1
Important to remember: if you have children, try to keep the handling of the puppy to a minimum. The puppies are very fragile and sometimes children don't know their own strength. This will protect the puppy from the possibility of drops and squeezing too hard.